Sunday, 7 June 2015

May Loot Review

For Mays loot review I received a Loot Crate and the new Comic Block from Nerd Block. Pricing structures below:

Comic Block - $14US/month + $10US shipping = ~$32 NZ
Loot Crate - $13.37US/month + $16.52US shipping = ~$41 NZ

The Comic Block:

A Simpsons Shirt, Marvel Secret Wars #1, DC Convergence #1, Mythic #1 and a Batman print.

The Loot Crate:

A Power Rangers Shirt, Bravest Warriors comic, Mad mini mag, Avengers car decal, shoe laces and ice tray, Rick and Morty puzzle and team fortress badges. And the usual Loot Crate badge and mag.

This Loot Crate had some great stuff, the wife loves the ice tray, the shirt is cool and I quite liked the badges. I'm not really into Mad magazine and this month the Looter badge had 2 variants, which bugs my collector senses. There is nothing in this one that I wont get use out of which is always good.

The comic block wasn't too bad. The comics were all decent choices and a good read, the DC and Marvel ones are limited edition covers too. The shirt is good, far better than some of the ones in sister blocks past. The Batman print is nice too. The main problem I have with the block is that I'm not sure how well it will hold up over time. There can only be so many first editions available and coming in part way through a story would really bother me. I was also disappointed that the first block contained an unsigned, not numbered print. A random collectible would have made this block perfect. Value-wise this just doesn't compare to the Loot Crate (for just a $9 difference) and I could buy the comics for ~$20, less for digital copies. I've dropped this crate for these reasons.

Loot Crate - June theme is Cyber

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