Sunday 17 May 2015

Week 20 - A Mighty Cave

So I know it has been a little picture (and progress) light around here for a while so just to prove I'm not a complete slacker, here is what I've been doing for the last few weeks.

Not pictured: 2 more that are on bases already...

That is almost all the remaining resin Plague I have. I still have 2 swarms, 2 Terratons and 4 Stage 1s to go, before I even think about the 85 or so zombies... I'm also going to re-purpose some of the Zombicide zombie dogs to act as more 3Ds at some point in the future. I need a whole pile of resin bases to actually finish these guys off though (I only have 13 left at this stage) so most won't see paint for a while. Hopefully soon though!

After my last post I did some thinking and decided that it was time to give up on a couple more of my long term goals. The undead and goblin armies are just far too time consuming to do, despite having most of what I need for both. This has meant that the undead have been listed on TradeMe and the goblin infantry will be following once I gather them all up for a headcount. I will keep the goblin cavalry though, as a cavalry army has appealed to me as well and seem like a good compromise.

I had some time to myself last weekend so started on my next big project, a decent man-cave! True to form I forgot to take a 'before' photo so instead I will just save up for a big reveal once it is done. I aim/hope to have it finished before the end of the year, pending small influxes of cash to pay for it all. I'm going for a classic wood finish and possibly slate coloured walls/ceiling. It should be classy as you can get, complete with an improved gaming table and hopefully TV and sound system, at least eventually. The wood paneling has been started and phase two was assembling a kit-set shed to store all the gardening gear. Unfortunately it was missing part of the gable roof! So now I am waiting to hear back from the supplier as to if/when I can get the part. The delay is a bit frustrating but serves me right for not just going to Bunnings...

Oh, and I got the dip on the last 4 Dreadball figures, they are too wet to photograph though so look for them next week!

Day 137
165/137 Painted/Days passed
Commission models - 10
Finish painting Infinity Morats - 11/11
Paint all DZC Scourge - 31/32
Paint all Directorate - 44/44
Build and paint remaining KOW Elves - 68/83
Build and paint all Deadzone Enforcers - 0/34
Build and paint all Deadzone Plague - 0/21
Build and paint a full Malifaux crew - 0/14
Finish all of the Dreadball teams and MVPs. - 0/4

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