Sunday, 12 January 2014

Week 2 - Getting On With It

So there has been a lot of work to do around the house this week, preparation for the new addition mostly. But between jobs I have been working on my steampunk costume for the party at the end of this month. The photos are all work in progress shots. The hat needs more gears and I have a boiler to attach as well. I have three flickering LED flames to add behind the grill plate as well. The goggles I have been giving an overhaul so that there is a working clock in one of the eyepieces. I still have a fair amount of work do do on these but they should look pretty cool when they are done. I also finished up the vest and pants, those pictures will have to wait until the rest is done though...

I also found a little time to build a gaming table. So far it seems to be fairly stable and robust, only time will tell of course.

The surface will probably get a basic cover, probably a grass mat or something. From there I will be able to put my concrete boards or any future projects right on top without any concerns. I will probably do a space table top in the next month or two, I may even make it double sided with a water table on the other side.

Day 12
0/12 Painted/Days passed
Build a permanent gaming table.
Complete my entry for the terrain competition.
Build a Kings of War army for playing with.
Build and paint a set of Deadzone battle groups.
Build and paint a full Malifaux crew.
Finish all of the Dreadball teams and MVPs.
Finish painting an Infinity group.
Make some headway on my Warpath fluff.

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