So here we are in the middle of Sunday. This should be a good reliable time to do future blog posts, short of tournaments and demo games... On to the progress!
Wednesday being Waitangi day (a public holiday in NZ) I managed to get some serious painting done. I am still behind but there is always this afternoon isn't there? For your viewing pleasure we have Caliban, Pendrake and a Swamp Horror all finished up and waiting for basing.
Finally finished! A third caster for the Blindwater Congregation. |
Adding a little class and manners to the swamp hordes... |
That's right, star fields on the lenses. Because massive conversions weren't enough... |
This means I have enough painted for my two 42 points lists for Ides next month. I do have to get the bases finished though. This will be the focus of next week, meaning I plan on doing very little actual painting. I have got 2 more gator possie to repaint, giving me two max units as options. These will hopefully take a lot less time to do now that the paint scheme is well practised.
Green and brown... so common and bland. |
This will just about round out my Blindwater until my next tournament. To get these guys 100% complete I still have an Ironback Spitter, Bull Snapper, 5 Gatormen Possie and a Croak Hunter to go. I may expand the force a little in a few months with Rask and Bog Trog Ambushers but that is a while away yet... Next week will hopefully see a group shot of all the gators based and ready for action.
In other news I will be preparing some Warpath models for demos at the club. I plan on having each of the 1 player starter sets painted and playable (I already have enough for most of them, only short 12 or so Marauders...) as the Warpath kickstarter looms on the horizon. Conveniently I have started several of the models in the last few weeks and have already assembled most of what I need anyway.
At the same time I need to crank out two Warmachine battleboxes for demoing from April onwards. Looks like Khador and Cryx are the likely candidates as I still have conversion work to do on my Menoth. Oh and the possibility of an overseas work trip in there somewhere. Which usually means 2 weekends of travel, and at least a week of no painting... I will do some other kind of post while I am there probably a tutorial if I have some photos prepared before I go...
The stats:
Day 41
77/41 Painted/Days passed
77/366 Painted/Target (21.0%)
23/39 Blindwater Congregation (59.0%)
43/51 Dreadball (84.3%)
5/89 Forge Fathers (5.6%)
6/104 Corporation Marines (5.8%)
0/102 Veer-myn (0.0%)
0/8 Khador (0.0%)
0/35 Protectorate of Menoth (0.0%)
0/15 Malifaux - Kirai Crew (0.0%)
0/6 Mercs - Kezai Wazza (0.0%)
0/6 Infinity - Haqqislam (0.0%)
0/21 Death Korps of Krieg (0.0%)
With more to come...
Disclaimer on the stats, as I reorganize my stuff I find and lose models, the unpainted model counts are approximate as a result. Once I complete groups and can shelve things away properly I will update the totals. This means some weeks will have higher or lower totals as I find/lose/buy/sell things and percentages will be a little off as a result. I also occasionally need to recount the painted total, as sometimes the individual counts are more/less than the total...