Sunday, 15 June 2014

Week 24 - Soldiering On

More progress this week on the Malifaux custom play area. The sides have all been lined with MDF, the 'boardwalk' area is all laid out waiting for the panelling and I have given the first run over with putty.

In a couple of days I will be able to sand the board smooth and patch any spots that need more putty. After that I will improve the strength of the putty and then add in the texture sand. I should hopefully get that all done by the end of next week. If I am doing really well then I may get the first coat of paint on the board by then as well.

The Deluxe Gaming Area is done, I hope to get some decent photos organised as a first product range item sometime soon. It is looking like they will cost $230 and I am looking at making small dice trays as well.

Day 166
0/166 Painted/Days passed
0/57 Painted/Bought
Build a permanent gaming table.
Complete my entry for the terrain competition.
Build a Kings of War army for playing with.
Build and paint a set of Deadzone battle groups.
Build and paint a full Malifaux crew.
Finish all of the Dreadball teams and MVPs.
Finish painting an Infinity group.
Make some headway on my Warpath fluff.

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