Sunday, 9 February 2014

Week 6 - The Finer Details

So I made more progress on the terrain project this week. I added some more details to the containers, I have about 10 more that need detailing. I am a bit torn on how I will paint them all up though. I had originally thought that I would make them all clean and look like a well maintained city area. On the other hand I keep seeing lots of opportunity to really dirty it all up, adding lots of posters, dirt and other grunge. Anyway here are some photos of three different containers.

I made a little progress on the apartment complex as well, putting in the sliding doors and marking out a decorative plate. The decorative plate will sit out from the building, I haven't decided how far yet though. I am tempted to make it part of the balconies, as the fire escape, but it would be kind of difficult to access. I also have to decide if I will make it out of MDF or acrylic. The acrylic will be harder to do and more brittle but have a nicer finish. A picture of the layout is below.

The last bit of progress I made was the detailing on the raised garden. The container details are now all ready, unfortunately I made a mistake when I made the frame. I forgot to account for the thickness of the top plate so now it is about 5mm too tall. Of course I realised this after putting in all the details... Never mind, it still looks okay if I don't have any other containers too close.

Apartment Building
 - Windows
 - Balconies (x2)
 - Air conditioner
 - Ladders
 - Fences
 - Paint
Raised Garden
 - Make framework
 - Detail frame panels
 - Populate garden
 - Fences
 - Paint
Shipping Containers
 - Add doors
 - Fine detailing (windows, signs, vents etc.)
 - Paint
 - Paint 36 large crates
 - Trim and paint 24 small crates
Paint K-Rails
 - Touch up paint
 - Add details
 - Add plastic to road edges
Paint up Billboards
 - Build
 - Paint

Day 40
0/40 Painted/Days passed
0/10 Painted/Bought
Build a permanent gaming table.
Complete my entry for the terrain competition.
Build a Kings of War army for playing with.
Build and paint a set of Deadzone battle groups.
Build and paint a full Malifaux crew.
Finish all of the Dreadball teams and MVPs.
Finish painting an Infinity group.
Make some headway on my Warpath fluff.

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